Sunday, June 29, 2014

All About Home Safety And Your Baby

When you first have a newborn baby, you are very protective of it. You are always afraid of something happening to it. Well when you are at home you should not be afraid of anything happening to it because you are there and it should be safe. Keeping your baby safe at home is very important. First, prevent people from coming to your home that are going to smoke, or do any type of drugs, this is your first line of defense for your baby.

 To be safe, when you are at home by yourself lock all the doors, this is vital if you live in a big city. Other than other people, to keep your baby from getting injured at home the best thing to do is a buy safety thing for all over the house. Prevention of problems will include the ability of the baby to walk away, or get to the swimming pool. Prevent problems in the home by locking doors, windows, cupboards and garages with locks that a baby or toddler can't open.

 You probably would not want to have animals like a dog or a cat around your baby until it gets older. A pet can maul a baby, or a toddler when the pet is not accustomed to being around children all the time. Avoid having a cat near the baby, so the cat doesn't cuddle up on the face of the baby, which will then smoother the baby without your realizing what is happening.

 When you put your baby to sleep at night make sure that it falls asleep on it's back because of crib death. Crib death is when a baby suffocates to death. Also, keep loose blankets out of the crib. The crib is a place for the baby to sleep, not to play. The crib should have bars that are close enough, so the baby can't slip through, and the crib should have bars so that the head of the baby can't slip through and get stuck. Avoid potential problems and situations where your baby could easily be hurt.

 Once your baby starts to crawl, the best thing for you to get is a walker to let it learn how to walk. If you have steps in your home, the 'thing to get' is those child gates. They have them at most department stores if you don't know where to purchase them. This will prevent your child from falling down the steps. You could even use them in doorways to rooms that you don't want the child in without you. If you have animals, you could even use the gates to keep the animals away from the baby.

 Once your child starts to walk you should keep things back away from the edge of the counters and the table. If you drink coffee, you should definitely keep that away so it is not reachable. You should not let any thing that is small laying around because if you do so this it will help so that your baby does not choke on anything. Just remember to lock all the doors when you are there by yourself. Any thing like this will help you keep your child safe at home.
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Baby Safety In The Home

It is your responsibility to keep your child as safe as possible at all times. Keeping your baby safe in your home is not as daunting a task if you keep the following tips in mind. Electrical outlets are a hazard for your baby. Babies like to stick their fingers in the outlets as they explore their world. You can buy outlet covers at most discount and hardware stores.

Along with covering up the outlets, watch for electrical cords hanging down within baby's reach. Baby can get tangled in the cords and injure or strangle him/herself, as well as pull an object down on him/herself. If your baby is in a walker, make sure all cords are out of reach of the baby as he/she reaches out from in the walker.

 Other hazards for your baby are cleaners, home chemicals and medications. Make sure you keep all cleansers, chemicals, and prescription and non-prescription medications out of baby's reach. Even with cupboard latches, it is always best to keep dangerous materials out of your child's reach.

 Windows with or without screens can be hazardous to a baby. If the baby is able to push on or lean against the screen or go near an open window, you will need to prevent baby from getting access to the window. It is not uncommon to hear on the news that a baby has fallen from a window and gotten seriously injured or killed by the fall.

 Once your baby is crawling, open or unlatched doors are a danger to your baby. Little fingers can get pinched in doorways. Make sure you hook or latch the door or screen door high enough that the baby cannot unlatch it or somehow get the door open. Know your pet and his temperament and. If you are not able to be in the same room as both your baby and pet, it is safest to keep your baby away from your pet. If you have other children, make sure they know your "rules" about how to handle the baby, what is safe for the baby, and what is not safe.

Being a big brother or sister carries with it a responsibility of keeping the baby safe and helping mother and father do so, and this responsibility usually lies with the parent(s)/caregiver if the sibling is quite young. When anyone on the premises is using a vehicle or lawn tractor, make sure your baby is not in the path of these vehicles. The best protection is for the caregiver to know where the baby is located at all times and to protect him from all danger.

Your baby should be placed somewhere the caregiver knows is safe such as a play yard or swing if you need to leave the room for a few moments. It only takes a second for an accident to happen, and that accident could be severe. Being a parent/caregiver for a baby is a huge responsibility; take your responsibility very seriously.
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Homeowners: Make Your Home Safe For Baby

So you've moved into a new home, or you've been in your home for sometime and you're expecting a child. There's no need to fret that your home is inadequate and or that you may need to move into something that is safer for your new baby. Of course, if you have you're mind set on a new home, than by all means go for it. But- there are many things you can do to improve the safety and functionality of your home so as to provide a safe and happy haven for your new child.

 Here are some general ideas, that will provide safety for you child in their first 12 months. Of course not everything has to be done right away- but, whatever you can get done before baby's arrival will benefit you in the long run- as you're apt to be pretty busy once your child arrives.

 - On your infant's changing table install a safety belt and always make you use it. Likewise, ensure there are safety belt on swings or bouncy seats.

 - A plush rug under a changing table or crib is a good idea as a cushion, in the case of a fall.

 - Keep nigh lights at a safe distance from bedding, draperies or crib so as to prevent any potentials fires.

 - It's a good idea to eventually shorten draperies and blind cords- so that your child cannot grab them. - Lock any and all potentially dangerous substances in a high cabinet.

 - Bookshelves, entertainment centers and large desks should ideally be secured to the walls, to prevent them toppling when your child begins to use such things anchors to stand up.

 - Eventually you'll want to install hardware-mounted baby gates at the tops and bottoms of stairways.

 - Keep household plants out of reach of children. Know the names of the plants you have, and what their effects are, if consumed.

 - Electrical outlets should be covered with child proof outlet covers.

 - Screened barriers should eventually be placed around fireplaces, radiators and portable space heaters.

 - Turn down your hot water heater to 120 degrees Fahrenheit.

 - Cupboard doors within reach of your child, should be secured with childproof locks. Test them repeatedly as some locks work better than others.

 - Assess where all the sharp edges are on your furniture or fireplace. Try to cover these with throw pillows, blankets or by attaching some foam rubber to the edges.

 - Another general note, is to scamper through your house on your hands and knees and just check out any potential dangers from this level. You'd be surprised what you find from a child's perspective.

 - Use a toilet lid lock or alternately ensure that your bathroom is locked at all time. Toilets can be dangerous drowning zones, for curious toddlers.

 - Install window guards and remove all furniture that might allow for a child to climb and open a window.

 - Cover doorknobs with safety covers and purchase finger protectors to prevent the finger pinch hazard.

 - Check and make sure all electrical cords are free of breaks, holes end kinks. Cord bundlers can be purchased and then you can secure cords to furniture so they cannot be pulled.

 - Ensure that every area of your home is equipped with "to-code" smoke and carbon monoxide detectors.

 - Remove fridge magnets as they can fall and may be small enough to pose a choking risk, if ingested by your toddler.

 - If you own pool, it should be properly gated and with a gate lock.

 These are all simple measures you can follow to create a safe, child-proof home. Again, there's no need to panic, or assume that your home is not up to "family" snuff. Just make sure it is, by sussing out any potential dangers and remedying them sooner, rather than later.
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